
A LIFE Article dedicated to community leader and educator Eleanor Rodney (September 20, 1999).
NOTE: Resources containing hyperlinks to online materials are highlighted in Bold font
*Physical Hamilton Spectator articles may be found in the Hamilton Public Library archives. More info:
“Local and Miscellaneous Items - Emancipation.” Daily Spectator and Journal of Commerce, August 3, 1853.
“Celebration a Disgraceful Scene.” Hamilton Herald, August 4, 1853.
“Celebrations of the Anniversary of Emancipation.” Daily Spectator and Journal of Commerce, August 2, 1859.
“An English Opinion of the ‘Ambitious City’.” Hamilton Spectator, October 20, 1860.
“An Outrage Upon Society: Petition From the Coloured Citizens of Hamilton.” Hamilton Evening Times, October 23, 1866.
“A Whitewashing Proceeding.” Hamilton Evening Times, October 27, 1866.
“The New Barber Shop.” Hamilton Spectator, November 1, 1875.
“The Sun Do Move: Astronomical Opinions of Prof. Johnson of Hamilton.” Hamilton Spectator, January 10, 1882.
“The Sun Do Move: Reconstruction of the Sciences of Geography and Astronomy by a Hamilton Preacher.” Hamilton Spectator, May 8, 1882.
“Razors in the Air: Prof. Gant’s Barber Shop Bombarded.” Hamilton Spectator, February 12, 1883.
“The British Lion.” Hamilton Spectator, October 12, 1883.
“Doomed to Destruction: The Earth to Come to and End in Fifty Years - A Modern Edition of Mother Shipton.” Hamilton Spectator, November 2, 1883.
“The Walls of a City: A Chat With a Toll-Gate Keeper About Tolls.” Hamilton Spectator, January 23, 1884.
“Colored Oddfellows.” Hamilton Spectator, August 28, 1884.
“Astronomical Johnson.” Hamilton Spectator, August 29, 1884.
“Prof. Gant’s Say.” Hamilton Spectator, October 23, 1884.
“Gant’s Ultimatum.” Hamilton Spectator, October 24, 1884.
“In a New Role: Prof. and Col. C.A. Johnson Announces a Startling Machine.” Hamilton Spectator, July 20, 1885.
“On Earthquakes: Fourth Lecture by the Rev. C. Astronomical Johnson.” Hamilton Spectator, August 6, 1887.
“A Joke on Astronomical Johnson.” Hamilton Spectator, August 23, 1887.
“Market, Fire, Police: the Colored Citizens Present Their Rightful Claims.” Hamilton Herald, December 25, 1889.
“Colored Brigade.” Hamilton Herald, December 26, 1889.
“The Proposed Brigade: It is Opposed by Prof. Gant, Who Gives His Reasons.” Hamilton Herald, December 26, 1889.
“What the Firemen Think, A Mean Insinuation Against the Colored Brethren’s Staying Powers.” Hamilton Herald, December 26, 1889.
“The Colored Fire Brigade. A Corps of Sixteen Men Suggested for the Job.” Hamilton Herald, December 27, 1889.
“The Colored Fire Brigade: Chief Aitchison Declines to GIve an Opinion on the Subject.” Hamilton Herald, December 28, 1889.
“Her Majesty’s Loyal Negroes: Editor Johnson Assures the Queen of their Unswerving Devotion.” Hamilton Herald, February 12, 1890.
“Brer Johnson’s Latest Full Text of His Remarkable Address to Sir John Macdonald.” Hamilton Spectator, February 13, 1890.
“John and Little Oscar: Professor Gant the Plaintiff in an Amusing Case.” Hamilton Herald, July 28, 1890.
“Prof. Gant Makes a Call: He Conveys the Regards of the Coloured Citizens to Lord Aberdeen.” Hamilton Spectator, September 19, 1890.
“Professor Jesse Gant: a Man Whose Genius is Many-Sided.” Hamilton Herald, November 2, 1895.
“Ended in a Free Fight: Watermelons in the Air at Last Night’s Dundurn Show.” Hamilton Spectator, August 20, 1896.
“C. Astronomical Johnson Talks Wisdom to the Benighted People of St. Kitts.” Hamilton Spectator, March 6, 1897.
“Mr. Johnson Mops the Floor with the Spectator.” Hamilton Spectator, March 8, 1897.
“Escaped from Slavery: Interesting Incident in the Life History of a Man Who Still Resides in Hamilton.” Hamilton Herald, August 23, 1902.
“Henry Criel Dead: Well-Known Citizen Passes Peacefully to the Great Beyond.” Hamilton Spectator, October 17, 1904.
“Prof. Gant Dead: Best Known Colored Resident of City Passes Away.” Hamilton Herald, January 18, 1905.
“Professor Gant Dead: Well-known Barber Succumbed to Bright’s Disease This Morning.” Hamilton Spectator, January 18, 1905.
“Bicycle Thief Got One Year: Coloured Youth, With a Past, Sent to Central Prison by Police Magistrate.” Hamilton Herald, August 24, 1907.
“Mrs. J. Diggs has Joined the Great Majority.” Hamilton Herald, November 20, 1919.
“Ku, Klux, Klan Rears Head in City of Hamilton with 32 Initiations.” Toronto Globe, November 19, 1924.
“Ladies Klan Would March to City Hall: Mrs. E. Miller Declares K.K.K. Has 1000 Members Here.” Hamilton Herald, March 20, 1925.
“Ku Klux Klan: Crusaders Have No Feeling Towards the Order.” Hamilton Spectator, March 27, 1925.
“Klan Organizing in this District.” Hamilton Spectator, March 1, 1930.
“Johnson Claims Indian Descent: No Negro Blood in Him, Victim States.” Hamilton Spectator, February 18, 1925.
“G. Morton Dead: He Was Letter Carrier and on Local Staff for 36 Years.” Hamilton Herald, August 20, 1927.
“Thomas J. Holland is Called to Rest: Was Last Surviving Member of the Noted O’Bannyon (sic) Jubilee Singers.” Hamilton Herald, June 11, 1928.
“Klansmen of Hamilton Defend Their Conduct in ‘Raid’ at Oakville.” Toronto Globe, March 3, 1930.
“Former Coloured Colony on Mount Dubbed Little Africa.” Hamilton Spectator, 15 July 1936.
“Coloured Refugees Formed Settlement.” Hamilton Spectator, 15 July 1946.
“States Racial Prejudice Here Hurts Negroes.” Hamilton Spectator, January 16, 1937.
“Mission School, Frame Church, Toll Gates.” Hamilton Spectator, 15 November 1947.
“Negro Veteran Denied Admission to Dundurn Dance.” Hamilton Spectator, July 7, 1948.
“Racial Discrimination Motion Lost in Council.” Hamilton Spectator, July 13, 1948.
“Groups Support Y.W.C.A. in Anti-Discrimination.” Hamilton Spectator, February 23, 1950.
“Refused Haircut Here, Famed Pianist Charges: Oscar Peterson Makes Complaint; Warrender Seeks Test of By-Law.” Hamilton Spectator, May 5, 1951.
“Barber Protests Publicity in Noted Pianist Incident: Employees Not Qualified to Cut Negro’s Hair, Mayor is Told.” Hamilton Spectator, May 7, 1951.
“No Discrimination’ Clause Clear, Board to be Advised.” Hamilton Spectator, May 7, 1951.
“Smith’s Sister Ran Toll-gate.” Hamilton Spectator, June 4, 1955.
“A Flashback to 1930: The Klan’s March Through Oakville.” Hamilton Spectator, December 26, 1960.
“Fight for Freedom.” Hamilton Spectator, August 17, 1963.
“Blacks to Study if Centre Wanted.” Hamilton Spectator, February 15, 1972.
Huw Morgan. “Slave’s Freedom Document Awakens Search for Roots,” Hamilton Spectator, March 15, 1979.
“Fleeing Slaves Found Refuge in ‘Little Africa’ on Mountain.” Hamilton Spectator, 25 October 1984.
Mark McNeil. “The Legend of the Washingtons,” Hamilton Spectator, March 28, 1987.
Janet Lees. “Black Women Try for National Voice.” Hamilton Spectator, July 27, 1987.
“History of Blacks in Area Said Thin.” Hamilton Spectator, February 6, 1989.
Charles Nyasulu. “Potpourri gives to worthy causes.” Share, June 19, 1991.
Brian Henley. “For a Time, the Klan Reared its Ugly Head,” Hamilton Spectator, June 22, 1991.
Debra Boyce. “Equity Bill ‘Triggers Navel Gazing’ Doubtful Minority Groups Argue.” Hamilton Spectator, June 26, 1992.
“Outstanding students honoured.” Hamilton Spectator, November 4, 1996.
Neville Nunes. “Vigilance Needed to Keep Black History Central.” Hamilton Spectator, February 21, 1997.
“Hamilton Pot Pourri to benefit ill children.” The Caribbean Camera, May 29, 2003.
“Hamilton’s Caribbean Potpourri marks 21 years.” 2005.
Matthew Kwong & Daniel Nolan. “Promoter of Peace, Citizen of the Year: Gary Warner,” Hamilton Spectator, January 31, 2006.
“Racial slur rocks liberal candidate.”, August 8, 2007.
“Acclaimed … for making a difference.” Hamilton Spectator, February 4, 2008.
“Black history deserves to be celebrated.” Hamilton Spectator, February 28, 2008.
“Let’s help young people thrive.” Hamilton Spectator, April 10, 2008.
“Obama’s victory is history in the making.” Hamilton Spectator, June 5, 2008.
“Mentorship of youth the way to success.” Hamilton Spectator, July 17, 2008.
“Black history part of Canada’s story.” Hamilton Spectator, August 5, 2008.
Susan Clairmont. “Life comes full circle for police chaplain.” Hamilton Spectator, January 5, 2009.
Evelyn Myrie. “Local events honour Obama inauguration.” Hamilton Spectator, January 15, 2009.
Graham Rockingham. “Jackie Washington, 89: Hamilton jazz icon.” Toronto Star, June 30, 2009.
“Welcoming the changing face of Canada.” Hamilton Spectator, October 29, 2009.
“A community’s shining light.” Hamilton Spectator, February 17, 2010.
“African depictions at issue.” Hamilton Spectator, June 14, 2010.
“End of slavery marked with the ‘blessing’ of music.” Hamilton Spectator, August 3, 2010.
“Stewart Memorial marks 175 years.” Hamilton Spectator, August 16, 2010.
Evelyn Myrie. “They were community and city heroes.” Hamilton Spectator, November 17, 2010.
“Black community celebrates King’s dream.” Hamilton Spectator, January 17, 2011.
“Recognizing success at John C. Holland awards.” Hamilton Spectator, February 6, 2011.
“It’s Black History Month.” Hamilton Spectator, February 7, 2011.
Evelyn Myrie. “Holland awards a sesquicentennial legacy.” Hamilton Spectator, February 9, 2011.
Ken Stone. “Closed ranks?” Hamilton Spectator, February 16, 2011.
Maxine Carter. “Committee Against Racism advises, advocates.” Hamilton Spectator, February 17, 2011.
Simon Mach. “ACNOH: ‘Diverse but together’.” Hamilton Spectator, February 24, 2011.
Evelyn Myrie. “August 1 marks the end of slavery.” Hamilton Spectator, July 27, 2011.
“Bringing Emancipation history into the future.” Hamilton Spectator, August 2, 2011.
“Afro-Caribbean community celebrates their youth.” Hamilton Spectator, October 26, 2011.
“Rev. John C. Holland Awards turn a Sweet sixteen.” Hamilton Spectator, February 6, 2012.
Mark McNeil. “A glimpse of slavery through a very old coin.” Hamilton Spectator, February 11, 2012.
“Black soldiers faced own battle.” Hamilton Spectator, May 17, 2012.
Evelyn Myrie. “Hamilton invited to Jamaica’s party.” Hamilton Spectator, June 14, 2012.
Jeff Mahoney. “A family deserving of celebration.” Hamilton Spectator, July 13, 2012.
Kate Adach. “A video tour of fugitive slave life in Hamilton.” CBC News, July 13, 2012.
Teri Percoskie. “Focus on the future at Holland/Howard reunion.” Hamilton Spectator, July 16, 2012.
“African-Caribbean youth celebrated.” Hamilton Spectator, October 21, 2012.
Evelyn Myrie. “‘One classy guy’.” Hamilton Spectator, October 26, 2012.
“Martin Luther King celebration.” Hamilton Spectator, January 20, 2013.
“A full house at John Holland Awards gala.” Hamilton Spectator, February 3, 2013.
Simon T. Mach. “Who has a place in Black History Month?” Hamilton Spectator, February 4, 2013.
“Hamilton’s francophone celebration of Black History Month.” Hamilton Spectator, February 18, 2013.
“Little Africa Remembered.” Hamilton Mountain News, March 5, 2013.
Mark McNeil. “One of the first non-natives in area was a slave.” Hamilton Spectator, July 30, 2013.
“Lincoln Alexander gets his own day: Jan. 21.” Hamilton Spectator, November 29, 2013.
“Aboriginals, black people over-represented at Hamilton jail.” CBC News, December 6, 2013.
“Mandela memorial moved to City Hall from church.” Hamilton Spectator, December 9, 2013.
“John C. Holland winners aim to give back.” Hamilton Spectator, February 2, 2014.
“Neighbour’s narratives remain forgotten.” Hamilton Spectator, February 6, 2014.
Albert Delitala. “Rev. John C. Holland remembered.” CHCH News, June 22, 2014.
“Finding a unified Black voice in Hamilton.” CBC News, September 24, 2014.
“Spice up your weekend.” Hamilton Spectator, May 28, 2014.
Albert Delitala. “Sounds of the Caribbean at Mohawk.” CHCH News, June 1, 2014.
“60 years since death of John C. Holland.” Hamilton Spectator, June 22, 2014.
Evelyn Myrie. “Myrie: New hotline will not fight racism.” Hamilton Spectator, November 6, 2014.
“John C. Holland Awards honour 12.” Hamilton Spectator, February 8, 2015.
“City acquires Griffin House in exchange for Eramosa Karst.” Hamilton Spectator, February 11, 2015.
“Forum focuses on black history, unity and diversity.” Hamilton Spectator, March 1, 2015.
“‘Ms. Tilly’ Johnson retires from the market.” Hamilton Spectator, July 4, 2015.
“Holland Awards bring together diverse black community.” Hamilton Spectator, February 7, 2016.
Mark McNeil. “Uncovering stories is a family affair.” Hamilton Spectator, February 11, 2016.
Chantel Grillo. “Black History Month.” CHCH News, February 17, 2016.
“Nerene Virgin, Evelyn Myrie honoured in new book.” Hamilton Spectator, June 16, 2016.
Mark McNeil. “Remembering Emancipation at Griffin House.” Hamilton Spectator, August 2, 2016.
Sheryl Nadler. “WhoWhatWear: Marlene Thomas-Osbourne.” Hamilton Spectator, February 16, 2017.
“Griffin House plan nixed by salamander.” Hamilton Spectator, August 8, 2017.
Emma Reilly. “Exemplary youth honoured at Potpourri awards.” Hamilton Spectator, October 15, 2017.
Steve Milton. “Gridiron Underground makes it to air.” Hamilton Spectator, December 11, 2017.
“Holland Awards honour stars of Hamilton’s black community.” CBC News, February 11, 2018.
Ric Taylor. “Life of Brian.” VIEW, May 25, 2019.
Evelyn Myrie. “Afro Caribbean Association marks a milestone.” Hamilton Spectator, November 14, 2019.
“Inaugural Order of Hamilton honour for community leader.” Ron Fanfair, February 6, 2020.
“Wilma Morrison was a formidable force.” Ron Fanfair, April 1, 2020.
Lucy El-Sherif. “This is what anti-racism change looks like.” Hamilton Spectator, August 7, 2020.
“Dr. Gary Warner made his mark at McMaster and in Hamilton.” Ron Fanfair, December 21, 2020.
Jon Wells. “Black history in Hamilton: A tour.” Hamilton Spectator, February 11, 2021.
“HWDSB trustee racism scandal: Where’s the accountability?” Hamilton Spectator, February 20, 2021.
KC Hoard. “Hamilton’s first BIPOC film festival premiering in May at The Westdale theatre.” Hamilton Spectator, March 15, 2021.
“Canada’s first Black soldier to fall in action.” Hamilton Spectator, April 4, 2021.
“Hamilton public school board naming new school after Viola Desmond.” CBC News, April 28, 2021.
Sandi Bell. “No Hate in the Hammer: Addressing hate in Hamilton.” Hamilton Spectator, May 15, 2021.
“2021 John C. Holland Awards winners.” Hamilton Spectator, June 20, 2021.
“Annual John C. Holland Awards celebrate Hamilton’s Black youth,” Hamilton Spectator, June 20, 2021.
Kojo Damptey. “Hamilton mayor failing racialized citizens.” Hamilton Spectator, January 9, 2022.
“2022 John C. Holland Awards winners.” Hamilton Spectator, June 19, 2022.
Kathy Yanchus. “Exploring Halton’s Black history.” Hamilton Spectator, July 25, 2022.