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Photos Videos/Film
and Music


"Wilma", a documentary by Ayo Adewumi, dedicated to community leader and local historian Wilma Morrison.

NOTE: Resources containing hyperlinks to online materials are highlighted in Bold font

“Griffin House Experience.” Experience - Commons. 


“Rev. John C. Holland Awards. Retrospecive 1996 to 2016.” (2010). Facebook.


“Sarah Jama on Disability Rights.” (2019). Broadbent Institute.


[100huntley]. (2012). Lincoln Alexander--Part of our series for Black History Month. [Video]. YouTube.


[ArchivesofOntario]. (2020). Lincoln M. Alexander: The Time Has Come to Celebrate (2020). [Video]. YouTube.


[CHCHTelevision]. (2012). CHCH - Lincoln M. Alexander Elected to Parliament 1968. [Video]. YouTube.


[CHCHTelevision]. (2012). Remembering Lincoln Alexander - CHCH. [Video]. YouTube.


[GitarCarl]. (2010). Jackie Washington - 1991 Toronto pt 1 - When The Sun Goes Down. [Video]. YouTube.


[GitarCarl]. (2010). Jackie Washington - 1991 Toronto pt 2 - The Best of Everything. [Video]. YouTube.


[GitarCarl]. (2010). Jackie Washington - 1991 Toronto pt 3 - Roll Me Baby. [Video]. YouTube.


[GitarCarl]. (2010). Jackie Washington - 1991 Toronto pt 4 - Young Man’s Blues. [Video]. YouTube.


[HAMILTON BLACK HISTORY COUNCIL]. (2022). Rev. John C. Holland Awards 25th Anniversary. [Video]. YouTube.


[Hamilton Community Foundation]. (2020). Vital Signs -- Hamilton’s Black history -- February 5, 2020. [Video]. YouTube.


[Hamilton Public Library]. (2021). Aerial Tour of Historic Griffin House | DoorsOpen 2021. [Video]. YouTube.


[HCCI Hamilton]. (2020). HCCI Anti-Racism Conference: Defying Racism in Hamilton. [Video]. YouTube.


[HCCI Hamilton]. (2020). HCCI is the conscience of a just Hamilton. [Video]. YouTube.


[HCCI Hamilton]. (2020). Moving Beyond Performative Allyship. [Video]. YouTube.


[HCCI Hamilton]. (2021). Unpacking White Supremacy: Racism and Discrimination in Hamilton Schools. [Video]. YouTube.


[HWDSBtv]. (2020). Reverend John C Holland Awards 2020 [Video]. YouTube.


[ICI Ontario]. (2019). Chant spirituel à l'Église Stewart Memorial. [Video]. YouTube.


[Joey Coleman]. (2013). City of Hamilton Nelson Mandela Memorial Service [Video]. YouTube.


[Matthew Green]. (2014). Matthew Green Campaign Launch Event Speeches [Video]. YouTube.


[Matthew Green]. (2014). Matthew Green Campaign Launch Video [Video]. YouTube.


[Matthew Green]. (2016). Ray Green’s Father’s Day Performance at Stewart Memorial Church [Video]. YouTube.


[Matthew Green]. (2019). Matthew Green NDP Hamilton Centre Welcome Video [Video]. YouTube.


[Matthew Green]. (2019). My maiden speech in the House of Commons in response to the Speech from the Throne [Video]. YouTube.


[McMasterUTV]. (2020). Honorary Degree Recipient: Gary Warner [Video]. YouTube.


[powergroupcanada]. (2011). Chats from the Lair - Episode 20 - Evelyn Myrie. [Video]. YouTube.


[Raymond Milbury]. (2020). Evelyn Myrie: March For Black Lives Canada 7/25/2020. [Video]. YouTube.


[UNILEARNAL]. (2020). Akehil | 28 Moments of Black Canadian History | Lincoln Alexander. [Video]. YouTube.


[Upstream]. (2018). We All Deserve the Right to Life - Sarah Jama [Video]. YouTube.


Ayo Adewumi [Director]. (2016). Wilma [Documentary].


Cohen, Ari A. [Director]. (2006). I Want to Be Happy: The Jackie Washington Story [Documentary]. 


Hamilton Public Library Local History and Archives. (2009). Washington, Jackie: scrapbook. Hamilton Public Library. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Hamilton Public Library Special Collections. (1972). Ray Lewis Scrapbook. Hamilton Public Library. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Hamilton Public Library Special Collections. (1979). Lincoln Alexander: a scrapbook of clippings, 1954-. Hamilton Public Library. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Hamilton Public Library Special Collections. (1987). Stewart Memorial Church: scrapbook. Hamilton Public Library. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Hamilton Public Library Special Collections. (1994). Blacks: scrapbook. Hamilton Public Library. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Jackie Washington. (1995). Keeping Out of Mischief / Jackie Washington [Music CD]. Borealis. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Jackie Washington. (1998). Midnight choo choo / Jackie Washington [Music CD]. Borealis. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Jackie Washington. (1999). We’ll meet again: Live in concert recordings / Jackie Washington, Mose Scarlett, Ken Whiteley [Music CD]. Borealis. [link to resource in the Hamilton Public Library Catalogue -]


Local History & Archives: Hamilton Public Library. Flickr.


Local History & Archives: Historical Images. Hamilton Public Library.


Workers Arts and Heritage Centre. “African Canadian Workers: From 1900 to the Second World War.” (2007). The Virtual Museum of Canada.

Workers Arts and Heritage Centre. The Souls of Black Folk: Hamilton’s Stewart Memorial Community. Virtual Museum of Canada.

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